My publisher will be holding a 1-day $.99 sale for my Ebook on Friday. You can take advantage of this awesome deal within 72 hours. Stand by.

In the meantime, I’ll offer you another endorsement on my book – this one provided by Carol Van den Hende, multiple-award-winning author of Goodby, Orchid which I highly recommend.

“Rob Lofthouse has penned an inspiring biography of Lt. Colonel Gordon Lippman with both careful attention to historical facts and a great deal of compassion. He tells the story with a sense of immediacy that unveils how Lippman’s actions earned Bronze and Silver Stars and other military honors. The personal memories from Lippman’s family are a moving testament to help answer the question ‘Where does America get such gallant men?’”
—Carol Van Den Hende, award-winning author of Goodbye, Orchid

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