Nov 15 2021Gordon Lippman legacy lives on. During a recent broadcast of the Veteran’s Breakfast Club, host Todd DePastino begins his interview of Mike Lippman and me
Nov 12 2021— Ernest Hemingway
Nov 11 2021According to the website Statista, following the most recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the number of veterans in the United States in 2019 was over 17.42
Nov 10 2021Happy birthday Marines! From the Halls of MontezumaTo the shores of TripoliWe fight our country’s battlesIn the air, on land, and sea. First to fight
Nov 10 2021“In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is Freedom, in water there is bacteria.” — Benjamin Franklin
Nov 09 2021Written by Author David Smale The subtitle labels it as ‘An Illustrated Timeline of the Kansas City Chiefs’. This book is so much more! My
Nov 08 2021“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” — Benjamin Franklin
Nov 07 2021Check out my friend’s book, Powerpoint Ranger: My Iraq War Logs. It is a fascinating story of what goes on when the Army brings a
Nov 04 2021#1 New Release Praise to God, and thank you to all who are buying my book! We’ve broken into the Amazon Top 100 in Sales
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