1. General Conditions of Use
Welcome to Hold The Line Press, LLC. Thank you for checking out our website! Our team provides services subject to notices, terms and conditions as set out below. By accessing, browsing, or shopping on this website, you agree to all the terms and conditions in this agreement. Please read them carefully.
2. Data Protection Disclaimers / Privacy & Security
Please refer to our Privacy Policy for our full privacy and security practices.
Please refer to our Cookie Policy for details about how we handle cookies.
3. Pricing Terms
All prices listed herein become final on submission of your order.
We are a United States company, so the prices of our products are in US dollars. State sales tax and shipping fees, if any, will be applied upon checkout.
4. Delivery Terms
Books are printed on demand based on your order.
Delivery of products purchased on this site may be via USPS, Fedex or UPS and will be within ten business days of confirmed purchase through this website.
Accuracy of shipping instructions is the responsibility of the buyer.
5. Payment Terms
Payment shall be made via credit or debit card when a shopper purchases a product through the Shopping Cart on this website. Full payment must be made, authorized and confirmed, after which orders will be dispatched.
This may also include special fees or shipping charges and local taxes where applicable.
6. Billing & Shipping Information Terms and Conditions
Billing and shipping accuracy is based on the buyer ensuring that they are providing complete, current and accurate account and shipping information.
7. Intellectual Property Rights
We are very proud of the products we have developed and are developing. For that reason, and due largely to the amount of research put into each product, we protect the software, texts, visual material and other matters that make our products and services recognizable and branded as is.
Only the right to purchase the product is obtained by you. All intellectual property rights connected to or arising from this Service accrue to Hold The Line Press LLC. You are not allowed to infringe them, by copying and/or changing our Service or any part of it.
Representation of Hold The Line Press LLC, any and all of its’ products or services is withheld unless agreed upon through a formal written agreement signed by both parties.
8. Product Information
Products sold on this website are age-appropriate, intended to provide historical perspectives, include opinions of the author and are warrantied against defects (per the Returns & Exchanges Policy elsewhere on this site).
General policy and disclaimers about these products can be found throughout these Terms & Conditions Policy Statement.
Product information referred to throughout this policy statement includes products and services sold through this site, as well as the domain name www.holdtheline.press, and is copyrighted with the US Copyright Office.
Hold The Line Press LLC, is the sole owner of said products and services.
9. Liability Limitations
Hold The Line Press LLC, and any of its’ employees or contractors acting on behalf of Hold The Line Press LLC, is not responsible for any liability, loss, personal injury, damage or expense that the customer may suffer after the transaction.
Hold The Line Press LLC, and any of its’ employees or contractors acting on behalf of Hold The Line Press LLC, are not liable for any third party damages suffered as a result of the purchase of a product and/or service from this online store.
10. Dispute Clause
Any dispute relating to any activity on Hold The Line Press LLC, or the purchase of any Hold The Line Press LLC products shall be submitted to confidential arbitration in the state of Kansas, unless you have in some way threatened or violated Hold The Line Press LLC’s intellectual property rights, whereby Hold The Line Press LLC may seek an injunctive.
This agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Kansas.